Mother-in-law’s eyes


You’ll need:


1 can (395g) sweetened condensed milk

125g of grated coconut

1 Tbsp soft butter

30 ready to eat seedless vanilla prunes or normal ready to eat prunes.

Use granulated sugar to decorate.

To prepare:

1 Place the condensed milk, grated coconut and butter on a non-stick sauce pan over medium-low heat and stir vigorously all the ingredients.

2 Cook the mixture until it thickens about 10 to 12 minutes, enough to show the pan bottom during stirring. The consistence will be similar of that of a choux pastry, not too soft.

3 Pour the mixture into a greased dish and let it cool to room temperature. While the mixture is cooling down, make an opening in prunes length ways, like a little boats almost.

4 After the mixture is ready to be handled, grease your hands with butter and take small amounts of the mixture with a teaspoon and make 1 inch balls, open the prunes and place the little ball inside shaping it length ways rough like an eye.

5 To finish roll the sweets over granulated sugar white part only not the fruit, place it in a mini cup cake as demonstrate in the picture.

Makes approximately 30 sweets

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